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A Friends of Del Cerro Project

Enhance Del Cerro
Welcomes You

For several years the Friends of Del Cerro’s “Enhance Del Cerro Committee” has been working toward establishing a Maintenance Assessment District for our neighborhood, having been inspired by the success of the improvements made in neighborhoods like La Jolla, Kensington, Talmadge, Hillcrest and Little Italy.

Creating this district is one of the few ways an older neighborhood can be improved, as we would receive benefits beyond what the city is capable of offering.

Support the district

MAD Area

The Maintenance Assessment District boundaries largely follow the Del Cerro proper area.

All property owners in the MAD area are eligible to serve on the “Enhance Del Cerro Committee”.

Please consider joining us, we need volunteers to help us improve our neighborhood.

Just let us know if you are interested in joining
us to Enhance Del Cerro.

Draft Report

Review the Engineer’s Report

Share Your Thoughts

Complete the survey